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Our Achievements


“Behind almost every business is a savvy lawyer, then there is hemp attorney Courtney N. Moran, LL.M.”

- Oregon Leaf  The Hemp Issue  |  October 2018


EARTH Law's Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. has led numerous ground-breaking legal victories:

National Victories:

​​​Case: KaB, LLC v USPS, MLB 18-39 (2018)

For the first time in history the Judicial Officer and Federal Court for the U.S. Postal Service have cleared the way for the shipment of agricultural pilot program industrial hemp, specifically CBD.


​Case: RNF, LLC v. USPS, MLB 18-113 (2018)

Sets precedent for Shipment of Viable Hemp Seed through the U.S. Postal Service.​​


Published Victories:

​​​Case: State v. Ellis, 260 OR App 174 (2013)

Serving as co-counsel with attorney Leland R. Berger in appealing a county court’s decision on behalf of their medical patient client, the State of Oregon conceded  that hashish is medical marijuana​​​​​​

​​Unpublished Victories:


2024: EARTH Law, in collaboration with criminal defense co-counsel, obtained a case dismissal for felony charges of unlawful export and unlawful distribution of hemp-derived THCA concentrate.


2023: Courtney expertly negotiated a Stipulated Settlement Agreement for a client for a licensing and production violation, resulting in only a minor fine, while protecting the client's ability to sell their harvest lot and continue future licensing and production within the state Hemp Program.


2023: During the 2023 Production Season, EARTH Law secured a release of a Detainment Order for a hemp crop testing above 0.3% total THC. In securing the release, Courtney also attained an update to Oregon Hemp Program rules on resampling and retesting crops with not more than 1% total THC.


2023: EARTH Law successfully executed Corrective Action Plans for clients avoiding program violations and fines for issues with required licensing and testing.


2022: Courtney won a hemp-derived delta-8 seizure case, upholding the protections of the 2018 Farm Bill for the transportation, shipment, and interstate commerce of hemp and hemp-derived products.

​​​​​International Experience: 

U.N. General Assembly Special Session 2016

Courtney participated in the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem in April 2016 in New York City, New York.



El Seminario Internacional Perspectivas Legislativas

On October 26, 2016 Courtney testified at El Seminario Internacional Perspectivas Legislativas Para La RegulaciÏŒn de la Cannabis No Psicoactiva Para Su Uso Medicinal, Terapéutico e Industrial before the Senado de la República in Mexico City, Mexico.


Awards and Achievements


Oregon State Bar
Leland R. Berger
Lifetime Achievement Award

The Oregon State Bar Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Section Leland R. Berger Lifetime Achievement Award was established in 2018 to recognize Lee Berger for his contributions and trailblazing in cannabis law. It is the highest recognition that the section bestows on one of its members, and Courtney Moran is the first woman and only the second individual to receive the award. 


Courtney, like Lee, is a trailblazer in her own right. She is a fearless advocate who has championed numerous hemp-related laws across the United States, including at the federal level where she drafted and negotiated the Hemp Farming Act of 2018. 


Top 200 Global 
Cannabis Lawyer

Cannabis Law Report & Cannabis Law Journal have compiled the lawyers and law firms that are the top 200 cannabis practitioners & practices around the world via our annual survey of clients and lawyers in the cannabis legal services sector. The Cannabis Law Report & Cannabis Law Journal have reported on the industry daily since 2016.


Top 200 Global
Psychedelic Lawyer and Policy & Regulatory Expert

Cannabis Law Report has highlighted the latest in regulatory news and information for the world of psychedelics since 2021, as an increasing number of cities and states in North America take a more enlightened view towards the medical and personal use of psychedelics. This list represents the Top 200 Very Best Psychedelics Legal & Policy Thinkers. 

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Hemp History Week Leading Grassroots Advocate

Hemp Week is the largest educational campaign about hemp in the U.S., supported by grassroots organizers, leaders from the industry, farmers, and advocates from all walks of life. Courtney hosted her Hemp History Week Event, "HEMPSTORY" from 2014 through 2022. She was selected as a Leading Grassroots Advocate in 2019 for her dedicated advocacy, grassroots organization, and her leading role in drafting and passing the Hemp Farming Act of 2018 into law in the 2018 Farm Bill federally legalizing hemp!

Hemp Industries Association
Advocate of the Year

Courtney was awarded as Advocate of the Year at the 2018 Hemp Industries Association Annual Conference. She had been running the Halls of Congress leading efforts drafting and negotiating the Hemp Farming Act of 2018, the language included in the 2018 Farm Bill federally legalizing hemp!


​​​​​Through our sister lobbying firm Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC, Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. serves as
Chief Legislative Strategist and has successfully led passage of 12 pro-hemp  bills nationwide:​

​​​​​​Federal Legislation:


2018 Farm Bill - Legalization of Agricultural Hemp

Courtney worked closely with Senators drafting the federal Hemp Farming Act of 2018 (S. 2667), included in the 2018 Farm Bill providing for full federal hemp legalization.​​


​​​​​State Legislation: 


As a registered lobbyist for industrial hemp in Oregon, Courtney lobbied on behalf of the Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association (OIHFA) from 2015 to 2023. She now represents private clients through Agricultural Hemp Solutions, LLC. In all, Courtney has successfully passed 6 pro-hemp bills in just 8 years in Oregon:​


  • HB 4121 (March 20, 2024) (H. 55-1, S. 20-7) - Omnibus Cannabis & Hemp bill- Interstate Commerce Protections & regulation of "artificially derived cannabinoids"

  • HB 3000 (July 19, 2021) (H. 55-0, S. 24-3) - Omnibus Cannabis & Hemp bill- Oregon State Planed and regulation of "artificially derived cannabinoids"

  • HB 2284 (June 11, 2021) (H. 57-0, S. 26-1) - Establishes Hemp Commodity Commission

  • HB 4089 (April 13, 2018) (H. 58-1, S. 29-0) - Authorizes Hemp Research at OSU, provides farmers new protections

  • SB 1015 (June 29, 2017) (S. 26-3, H. 45-0) - Authorized Processing of hemp by licensed marijuana processors

  • HB 4060 (March 29, 2016) (H. 54-4, S. 25-0) - Statutory Foundation of Current Oregon Hemp Program​​​


South Carolina

Working with Palmetto Harmony, Courtney authored and facilitated the passage of H 3559, which provides for the implementation of an industrial hemp program by the South Carolina Dept. of Agriculture. 


H 3559 (May 10, 2017) (H. 97-0, S. 35-1)




As a Wisconsin native, Courtney volunteered her services and provided foundational language for Wisconsin industrial hemp legislation (AB 147AB 183, SB 119).

Note: In 2021 the WI hemp program was turned over to USDA for financial reasons. 


 SB 119 (November 30, 2017) (unanimous)




Working with key Alaskan stakeholders and natives, Courtney volunteered her services and provided strategic guidance in drafting SB 6  and HB 172, establishing an Alaska hemp program. 


SB 6 (April 13, 2018) (unanimous)




Working with Ancient Nutrition, Courtney provided pivotal strategy in drafting Missouri industrial hemp legislation SB 547 and HB 2034


HB 2034 (June 1, 2018) (141-4)

SB 547  (29-3)




Coordinating with IND Hemp, Courtney facilitated championing passage of landmark animal feed legislation HB 396, which establishes hemp as approved commercial animal feed. 


HB 396 (April 11, 2021) (98-1, 50-0)


"In a sentence, we would not have hemp legalization without Courtney"

 - Sen. Ron Wyden  |  (D-OR)

Our founding principal Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. provides expert, strategic representation for our clients' agribusiness success!

EARTH Law, LLC  © 2011-2025 |  3439 NE Sandy Blvd, #672  Portland, OR 97232  (541) 632-3946  |
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